Cozma Bogdan Cosmin is 31 years old, of which 7 years have been dedicated to the daring steps towards his dream. He always wanted to own and manage a restaurant according to his ideas. The road to success was never easy, but neither discouraging. Chef Bogdan embraced any challenge, because every experience helped him evolve. He started from the bottom, as a waiter. Then, for 8 months, he got a job as a dishwasher at only 18 years old. He was both a bartender and a help in the kitchen, because he wanted to learn a bit from everything, because managing a restaurant is not that easy.
For 2 and a half years he turned to butchery - work that taught him how to hold the knife correctly in his hand. He went on studying at the cooking school and managed an entire restaurant in Galati. After a few years of working and experimenting, he mustered the courage to come to Bra?ov, working at Ceasu Rau Restaurant, and later on he met a person who would support him unconditionally until now. We are talking about Chef Ioan Florescu from Belvedere Brasov, who taught him everything he knows now and guided him in life. He managed to build an invincible base, which Chef Bogdan customized it, and a motivation that pushed him to become the best. For Chef Cozma, Master Florescu was and still is one of the most important and influential people in his life. Chef Bogdan - "After 2 years, he told me that he mixed me up, squeezed me, and now I have to raise". After the experience at Belvedere, Bogdan Cozma decided that the adventure of his life could be even more exciting.